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How to Paint like a Professional


April 8, 2016

Where & How to Sell Art Online

So you have a love of art, you paint, draw or create digitally, and now you want a place to sell it.There are literally hundreds of places around the world to sell art online, and many are free to show your work in your very own gallery or website page geared just for you. Some even provide your very own website address with your name attached and it’s free to upload your art. So let’s jump right in, how exciting, l can’t wait to get started, l’m gonna make so much money, this is brillia...

April 7, 2016

Learn to differentiate races when doing art PART2


April 6, 2016

Learn to differentiate races when doing art -PART 1


April 6, 2016

How to create a mask/sculpture using dissolvable fabric

Creating a face mask with dis solvable fabric Are you looking for a way of creating your own unique mask for a fancy dress party, looking to be the next Spider man or just wanting to create a face for a sculpture, a doll, an animal well that's exactly what this lesson blog post is all about, and the beauty is it is much more simple than you think. Okay ready, set, go- First thing is you'll need to visit your local fabric shop and ask for dissolvable fabric, it feels kind of like interfac...

April 5, 2016

How to use natures patterns to inspire creativity


April 5, 2016

How to change everyday recycled materials

UNDERSTANDING MATERIALITY So this lesson post is about recycling even the simplest of materials, if you know and understand that that just about anything non organic can successfully be reborn into something else then you were born to be a recycling artist. This post will get you understanding just a few ways that materials can be altered for a new look. Think about the simplest of materials, paper for example, it comes from a tree, gets turned into pulp, then ends up anywhere from a piece of p...

April 5, 2016

Decorating furniture with fabric


April 3, 2016

How Fashion Trends can change our Cultural Identity

January 30th, 2012 by Karen Elzinga Heroin chic - Art or industry. Artists have long been scrutinized for work not being universally acceptable. Art is a creative medium; it has no boundaries, and is available in a multitude of forums and mediums. People know exactly what appeals to them, and have strong beliefs on what they do not believe in or like.  This blog post will delve into the areas of art that common society have had the most criticism and disdain for; heroin chic and nude photo...

March 18, 2016

Beauty and Art in Gardens

January 30th, 2012 By Karen Elzinga England- A historical look at Enclosures. England's enclosures saw many changes over numerous centuries, most of which were levelled at satisfying the landowning elites desire for sustainability, growth, management power, and undeniable procurement of wealth. How England's enclosures changed over centuries, from the division and sharing of land, to the semi private land titles that came with conditions. How these changes heralded important economical ad...

March 18, 2016

The Garden Art of Japan and England

By Karen Elzinga Countries have built over centuries, time honoured traditions that enabled them to encompass unique individuality. Two countries with grand visual appeal are England and Japan. This blog post will address how England's Royal family was influential in establishing garden popularity and trends, how medieval gardens were established, and how the end of the War of the Roses, changed the face of English gardens for centuries to come. It will also discuss China's influence, and how t...

March 18, 2016

Teachers and Art Education

July 28th, 2013 by Karen Elzinga Teaching and Art Educating Babies are born with no knowledge, they turn into children who learn, and grow into adults with passion, knowledge and a supreme understanding of how things are, and how things work in the big world. How children learn and acquire knowledge, is becoming much clearer as studies into the capabilities of students, and the efficiency of teaching methods, become more developed. Researchers have studied and concluded that children learn via ...

March 18, 2016

Artistic self concept in school age children

July 28th, 2013 Artistic Self Concept in school age children by Karen Elzinga The cup is half full or the cup is half empty, it's a saying that most will have heard, but it's a very individual choice as to which a person chooses to say.  Self concept is a level of self actualization that tells individuals who they are as people, and what they are capable of achieving. To have a good self concept, a person must have obtained the correct nurturing as a child, so the brain has congruence in i...

March 18, 2016

Coco Chanel and Andy Warhol comparisons and contrasts

July 28th, 2013 By Karen Elzinga 2oth Century fashion icons Coco Chanel and Andy Warhol - Comparisons and contrasts The names Coco Chanel and Andy Warhol conjure sentiments of prestige, wealth, defiance and innovation. Both were well respected entrepreneurs in their field and although their career paths were very different, the comparisons between the two are evident. Through this blog post the twentieth century iconic status of both will be investigated. Discussed will be how they changed...

March 18, 2016

Australian Heidelberg School of Artists

July 28th, 2013 Australian Heidelberg School of Artists The Heidelberg School was an exciting and vital part of Australian art history; it saw a revolution in how the world saw Australia not only as a country, but as force in the art world community. The unique style of painting saw Australian representation, become more realistic in its portrayal of the landscape colours, and also of the flora depicted. Although numerous artists came under the classification of the Heidelberg school, it w...

March 18, 2016

Pro Hart and his critics

July 28th, 2013 by Karen Elzinga Artist :Pro Hart Once in a while a name will come to fruition and people will remember its value for ever. Kevin Charles Hart or Pro Hart as he is more commonly referred to is one such person. A miner with an artist brush in one hand and a stick of dynamite in the other took Australia by the heart strings with his captivating outback scenes filled with humor and frivolity. A man whose talents were continually taunted and degraded by elite levels of the artistic...

March 18, 2016

Australian Artist - Pro Hart

April 14th, 2014 By Karen Elzinga Pro Hart Once in a while, an artist comes along and delivers to the people, not just a painting, but a story, a personality, and a real quality and sense, of what it is to be a true Australian. Pro Hart inspired Australia through his creative, and somewhat unorthodox methods of painting and sculpting; he gave us a laugh, and made us look at the world with humour in our hearts. This essay will discuss the historical and social context of his life, paintings...

March 18, 2016

Land art - Robert Smithson

July 28th, 2013 by Karen Elzinga How the Land Art of Robert Smithson and Central Park New York succeeded in ameliorating their context. Land art brings to our attention the visual splendor of our surroundings, it equips us with something that is interesting and appealing to the eye, yet is interactive in the most profound ways. It is not often that an art form can be touched let alone stood on, or jumped on or even be mowed by a lawn mower. Robert Smithson's Spiral Jetty in the Utah desse...

March 18, 2016

How to reclaim tip trash

Up-cycling, ever thought to yourself, that you need to do a tip run, so much broken, old, and trashy stuff at your house? Well why not turn it into gorgeous reclaimed pieces of unique and eclectic beauty. In Australia at the moment there is a real enthusiasm for reclaimed furniture and interesting arty like house hold items made from recycled or reclaimed materials. With tips overflowing daily with numerous items withering away close to death it is the best place to find yourself a really good b...

March 18, 2016

Francis Bacon 'The Painting'

July 28th, 2013 by Karen Elzinga Analysis of Frances Bacon's " Painting (1946") In 1946 Francis Bacon created the painting called the "Painting (1946)" which focused on human form and his depiction of it with morbid distortions and disturbing imagery. This painting was Bacon's breakthrough work and now hangs in the Gallery of modern Art in New York. Through this case study the relationship between what the artist perceived himself as producing in this painting, and what others believed he ...

March 18, 2016

What is the real face of beauty

August 3rd, 2013 by Karen Elzinga Why do people see the aged face as ugly, when such beauty beholds every line? Above is the image l used to represent this written document, the image is by Risquilla and is of a woman's face, the image is called sadness. Art in its numerous forms reveals a host of cultural, social, religious and moral options. Whether visualized by positive aspects that are relative to achievement, life style, wealth, romanticism, humour, or showcasing the imperfection ...

March 18, 2016

Art History - A look into Coco Chanel

A Historical look at CoCo Chanel July 28th, 2013 by Karen Elzinga Coco Chanel In Saumur France, Gabrielle Bonheur Chanel, otherwise known as Coco, (a name she adopted whilst entertaining at cafes and concerts 1905-1908) was born on August 19, 1883. One of five children, Coco was abandoned by her father after the death of her mother when she was a child, and later found herself in the care of an orphanage. This essay will provide a critical and insightful look at Coco Chanel's signific...

March 18, 2016 Posts 26-47 of 47 | Page prev

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