Ignite your creativity

Artisan Life in Colour ignites the spark of creativity within everyone who discovers our creative platform.

Imagine a space where the rich tapestry of Australia's landscapes inspires every brush stroke and stitch.

Here, the pursuit of creative expression is more than encouraged—it's nurtured with a suite of resources that transform imagination into tangible art.

From beginners wanting to explore their artistic side to seasoned creators seeking that elusive muse, this haven provides the perfect backdrop for all.

It’s not just about the art you create; it’s about the journey of discovery and the joy found in every colour and texture.

Find your inner creative at Artisan Life in Colour!

Karen Elzinga, a skilled artist from Queensland, Australia, excels in painting, crafting, and more. Discover her vivid acrylic artworks in the gallery, where colour bursts to life, embodying Artisan Life in Colour's ethos. "Explore the Gallery

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Unleash creative potential

Explore Creative Furniture Inspiration

Every creative can transform, enhance, and give new life to objects, turning them into something beautiful. Click the our home picture below to discover some ideas to spark your imagination and prove that with determination, artists of any level can achieve anything. All items were found at op shops or tip shops, or donated old fencing pales. All created by Karen ELzinga either from scratch or built upon through up-cycling processes. Just try it, "Creating is believing in imagination".

Explore our latest artistic creations


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